Virtual Services

We have a wide variety of virtual offerings, which can easily be utilized from the comfort of your own home, and which are easily and conveniently integrated into your daily life with minimal disruption, but potentially huge positive effects. From phone or video chat consultations, interactive one-on-one coaching in real time via video chat, workshops, pre-recorded, subject-specific video seminars, to combo packages ranging from a few hours to onging monthly or weekly programs and more!

Types of Virtual Coaching We Provide:

Relationship Coaching

Sex Coaching

Wellness Consulation

Virtual Somatic Sex Therapy

Sex Surrogate Coaching

Intimacy Coaching

Virtual Sexology Sessions

We offer education, coaching, and support in a variety of personalized, individual subject areas including, but not limited to:

Performance Anxiety

Porn Addiction

Preemptive Ejaculation

Partner Satisfaction

Sexless Relationship

First Date Coaching

Virgin Coaching


Emotional Intimacy

Physical Intimacy

Size Assessment

Sexuality Exploration

Gender Exploration

Chastity & Celibacy

Practical Skills Developments

Confidence Concerns

Online Dating

One Night Stands

Pick-Up Practice

Relationship Longevity

Interest Assessments

Interest Exploration

Practice Dates




Body Acceptance

Feel Free to Explore!

Discover a range of virtual offerings available for phone or video chat consultations, one-on-one coaching, workshops, and more-or, mix and match! We offer a *complimentary* 15-20 minute phone consultation to assess your needs, goals, and interests. and help you build a program that is custom-tailored to your specific, individual situation!  Learn all that The Pleasure Practice can offer you without you ever even having to leave your cozy, comfy couch! Relationships, intimacy, and sexuality can be sensitive subjects, and engaging with your Coach to begin your exploration can seem extremely intimidating. Our virtual offerings are a great way to get comfortable, ease into things, discover if this is for you, freshen up on your skills, or just gain new insight into any number of skills and subjects!

*Please note: Consultation is complimentary ONLY if a session is booked or program is purchased. A nominal fee of $20 will be assessed to compensate for time spent, and to discourage time-wasters who have no intention of actually scheduling. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation! This policy allows us to continue to offer these consultations!